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Hard90 Highlight: Devon Walczykowski

Our Hard 90 player of the week was chosen by our General Manager, Christy Sarabia. Christy has been with Hard 90 for more than 10 years and has had the pleasure of watching many young athletes achieve their dreams on and off the field. But this week’s selection is a little more special. Here’s Christy’s recollection of her introduction to Devon Walczykowski: 7 years ago I answered the Hard 90 phone when Eric Walczykowski called to inquire about travel ball programs for his son. Within 5 minutes I knew he was one of “those” parents. Now, don’t take that that the wrong way. By “those” parents I mean parents who make sacrifices for their kid and care more about coaching and development than trophys. As I asked a few more questions I realized Devon was the same age as my youngest son. I made sure to give my best sales pitch to get Devon because we were headed to Cooperstown the following year and I knew we could use a big bat and strong arm (I knew he checked those boxes because we played his Bay Area team on the tournament circuit). As luck would have it, the Walczykowskis moved to the area and joined Hard 90! When I met Devon in person, he was one of those kids that you fell in love with. A sweet, easygoing personality (he gets that from his mom, Colleen, one of the sweetest people you will ever meet) and he was a hard worker and a great teammate. He fit right in and the years flew by! I watched this kid work his tail off for SEVEN years. I don’t mean team practices and lessons. I mean team practices and lessons and our Strive program AND SO MANY MORE hours that NOBODY ever saw. Before school he would come in and workout, hit of the tee or throw a bullpen. When his hard work started to pay off he didn’t change, he didn’t let up, he just kept working harder. He went on to have a extremely successful high school baseball career at Jesuit High School and has committed to Pepperdine to play Baseball. Devon Walcyzkowski is one of the most humble young men you will ever meet! Pepperdine is lucky to have this amazing young man and gifted athlete. Our Hard 90 family is so proud of you, Devon!



Facility Hours

Mon-Thurs: 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Fri: 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Sat: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Sun: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

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Phone: (916) 365-4977


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1235 Glenhaven Court, Suite 250

El Dorado Hills, CA, 95762

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